Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1761.08.20

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Index Entry Boyce: Ode for His Majesty's Birthday [t] [beg] Twas at the nectar feast of 
Location London 
20 Aug 1761:22 (972)
June 4.  This day at noon was performed at court, the
following ode for his majesty's birth day, written by
William Whitehead, Esq; poet laureat, and set to music by
Dr. Boyce, master of the King's band of musicians.
  'Twas at the nectar feast of Jove,
  When fair Alcmena's son
  His destin'd course on earth had run,
  And claim'd the thrones above,
. . . [6 lines]
  The hoofs with music rung!
  For, from amidst the circling choir,
  Apollo struck th' alarming lyre,
  And thus the muses sung,
. . . [7 lines]
  Again the muse, sing
. . . [36 more lines]

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1761.08.20 
Publisher Parker, James, & Company 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0026680
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